Are you a writer who struggles with productivity and motivation? Are you constantly finding yourself getting lost in the rabbit hole of social media or staring at the wall instead of writing? Well, have no fear, because with this guide, you’ll be able to write 10,000 words a week in no time! (Disclaimer: Results may vary, and we can’t guarantee that you’ll win a Pulitzer with this method).
- Set a deadline for yourself: Nothing motivates like a deadline, especially when it’s self-imposed. So, set a date for when you want to have your 10,000 words written and stick to it. Bonus points if you set a deadline that’s just a little bit too tight, it will add an extra dose of panic to your writing.
- Break it down: 10,000 words can seem like a massive amount of text, but if you break it down into smaller chunks, it becomes much more manageable. Set a daily or weekly word count goal and work towards it. Remember, baby steps, my friend.
- Eliminate distractions: We all have our weaknesses when it comes to distractions, whether it’s social media, video games, or a Netflix marathon. Identify your distractions and eliminate them. Put your phone on airplane mode, disconnect your internet, or if you’re feeling really brave, lock yourself in a room with no windows.
- Reward yourself: Writing is hard work, so reward yourself when you reach your goals. Treat yourself to a delicious snack, take a nap, or even take a break and play your favorite video game for an hour. Just make sure you don’t get too distracted and end up playing for the whole day.
- Embrace the suck: Writing is hard, and it’s not always going to be fun. But, as the famous writer Ernest Hemingway once said, “The writing is easy, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” So, embrace the suck and just write through it.
In conclusion, writing 10,000 words a week may seem like an impossible task, but with the right mindset, a little bit of planning, and a whole lot of determination, it’s definitely achievable. So, put your butt in the chair, and start writing!